Our Constitution

Our Club's Constitution

Article I

Name: This organization shall be called LHS 3D Printing Lab officially.

Article II

Eligibility for membership: Any person attending Lawrence High School with good standing may join.

Article III


1. Support CTE teachers in order to include 3d printing within the curriculum.

2. Enable students to learn industry tools with projects of their choosing.

3. Raise awareness in STEAM careers via community outreach.

Article IV

Dues: no dues will be collected to be a part of the club however students may need to supply materials for the completion of personal projects.

Article V

Funds: Club Sponsor and/or CMO will have the authority to approve expenditures of club funds. Club members will need to authorize expenditures reflected in a vote that is recorded in the minutes.

Article VI

Officers: Club Officers will be elected each year by membership vote. Officers shall be:

Chief Executive Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Technical Officer, Chief Research Officer, and Chief Design Officer.

Article VII

Meetings: Faculty sponsor will call the first meeting each year. Subsequent meetings will be held weekly on Mondays.